The Spirits of Thomas Street (2016)

Photography project focusing on the pubs and churches that are located in the Thomas Street area of the Liberties, Dublin. I was interested in the sense of community that these two types of buildings facilitated. In an ever-changing street where businesses appear and often disappear, the churches and certain pubs have lasted the tests of time. We found in our research that the distilleries, the pubs and the churches in the area had connections and that many crossovers occurred between each of them. 

My photographs attempted to connect the seemingly opposite spaces of the pub and church. By placing the photographs next to each other in a split-screen, I was able to play with certain themes, some obvious and some more abstract. The result is a a photo-series that I hope captures the atmosphere of Thomas Street and the people that interact within its public spaces.

Made as part of the In Public, In Particular (IPIP) project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union -

Exhibited at In Public, In Particular (IPIP), NCAD Gallery Dublin (2017) -